Breakfast Morning

Breakfast Morning

Breakfast Morning (28th January) in Collaboration with BrithishCare
We invited a group Mums for a Breakfast Morning with an aim to build "Mom Community". We partnered with an experienced midwife "Julie". She has over 18 years of maternity experience and she is UK Trained Midwife. Julie is a mum of 5 ❤️

A warm and inviting atmosphere, we spoke about joys of motherhood. Julie with her experience spoke about how to deal with the older children about the arrival of a new sibling, importance of involving them in this journey and making them feel included right from choosing a name for the new sibling :) Creating the bonding right from when the baby is in the womb is so crucial. Even when the new baby arrives, meeting the older brother / sister will create positive associations and will make them feel less insecure was something we never thought about. Thanks to Julie for making us realize the importance.

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